United Nations underscored the importance of combating
inequalities in education in its Sustainable Development Goals (Post 2015
Agenda) as the proposed SDG 4 suggests the international community to “Ensure
inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all by 2030”.
In Nepal, the literacy rate for the total population is 57.4 %
which shows that the inequalities still persist (CIA World Factbook).
Significant portion of the population have been deprived of learning
opportunities due to various reasons including early marriage, gender inequalities,
social and family pressure to engage into economic activities at an early age
etc. Research also suggests that in developing countries, there is very low
self esteem among people who are illiterates or semi literates.
In this digital world, they are even at greater disadvantage.
Those with the least amount of schooling will find it increasingly more
difficult to participate in the evolving knowledge-based societies, deepening
the social divide (Reimers, 2000). There needs to be an innovative approach to
match both the education and technological gap. Recent development in the
mobile technology provides us with great opportunities to fill this gap.
The mobile devices offer both affordability and storage capacity
which makes it possible to equip with different types of educational content.
There are over 5 billion mobile subscribers worldwide today –an astounding
number considering the world’s current population which is roughly 6.8 billion
(ITU, 2010). The rapid proliferation of mobile technologies throughout the
world has brought substantial attention to the potential to leverage the power
of these new technologies to address decades old problems, including
educational inequalities (see Keen and Mackintosh, 2001; Ling, 2004).
Product / Technology Concept
The ICT tool (Android application) for the training will have
different components for learning, assessments, data-collection and
data-analysis. The idea is to make the application interactive and to reflect a
game-environment where users will be motivated by game elements such as
unlocking levels (lessons) as they complete certain tasks. The lessons will be
based on the UNESCO’s newly-literate book (Mathani) for Awadhi language
(Part-2). However, certain levels from Part-1 will also be added as a means to
bridge their previous knowledge.
Some of the lessons that will be included for the pilot are as
1. Word formation
2. Basic math (addition and
3. Paragraph reading
4. Paragraph listening
5. Word math
6. Time/Calendar
7. Filling forms, writing letters
Some forms of assessments/practice lessons that will be included
in the pilot are as follows:
1. Android drawing canvas
2. Multiple choice questions
3. True/False questions
4. Filling in the blanks
5. Writing lessons
The following user data will be collected within the application
with the assumption that every learner will have a personal device to work on:
1. User information
2. Level progression data
3. Demographic data
4. Application usage data
5. Performance data
6. Location data
The data can be synced in real-time if Internet connectivity is
not an issue. However, in places where connectivity can be a problem, or it is
expensive, an alternative approach where data is synced periodically can be
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